What can you get for a Fiverr? – A quick review on Fiverr Marketplace

New marketplace Fiverr allows you to outsource those small tasks you may have, for a fixed fee of $5 (aprox. £3.30 depending on how the exchange rate is behaving)Fiverr screenshot

Fiverr allows people to list things they would do, for $5.
In return, Fiverr takes $1 from the value of the order, leaving the person providing the service with $4.
This can be withdrawn from the account, once they have accumulated $40 or more.

As you would imagine, there are plenty of weird and wacky offerings, or “Gigs” as they are called by Fiverr.

However, there are hundreds of potentially really useful things available.

For example:

genelors: I will setup a WordPress blog and configure your domain to it for $5

landee: I will be your personal assistant for 1 hour for $5

mzzedithandlucy: I will give you a 1/2 hour Juggling Lesson over Skype for $5

Payment is handled through PayPal, making it nice and easy to use.

When you place an order, you have to pay upfront, and then the order is fulfilled.
Just in case, there is a dispute procedure – but it’s unlikely you’ll ever need to use it!

Fiverr order now button - orders in queue

So you can be sure of a timely delivery, there is a handy “number of orders in queue” displayed below the order button.

You can also contact the seller to clarify things before you part with your $5.

I for one, will be outsourcing some of those niggly little tasks to Fiverr.
Such tasks as resizing photos, installing WordPess etc… are perfectly suited!

6 responses to “What can you get for a Fiverr? – A quick review on Fiverr Marketplace”

  1. […] signing up to Fiverr, I decided to give it a […]

  2. Colorado Rentals avatar

    Fiverr isn’t too bad not sure how long it will last though. I’m sure someone is working on a more professional five buck site.

  3. GigBux.com avatar

    http://gigbux.com is another micro task site just launched a few days ago. You are not limited to $5, people can offer and share the things you love to do for $5, $10, $20.

  4. Tamara avatar

    The best thing to do is skip Fiverr altogether. Not good people behind it, and sellers accounts get closed down while they still have money awaiting to be transferred them. I would strongly advise people to not use the site. Sell your gigs elsewhere such as your own blog or something. Fiverr.com gets a very poor rating in my opinion.

  5. QualityLinks avatar

    Fiverr is a great site and I’ve managed to find some gems of seo services on there. Looking at the success of others I’ve decided to create a brand offering highly unique one way blogroll links of at least PR4 and the best bit is they are permanent. Check it out if you have a sec. http://www.fiverr.com/users/flyby/gigs/give-you-a-permanent-pr4-link-high-traffic-high-quality-seo-pr4-link
    Thanks for the great reviews loving your site.

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