Tag: azure
‘No resources found’ error when publishing to Azure App Service using Visual Studio 2019
Yesterday, I tried to publish an app to Azure App Service from Visual Studio 2019 (right-click -> publish) (I know, I know… but I just wanted to try this feature out!) I had already set up my Linux App Service Plan (size B1) On clicking publish, and selecting “use existing” I was seeing a rather…
Using Google Sheets and Azure Functions as a headless CMS
One of my clients came to me with a relatively simple requirement; they needed to take online payments for their fitness event photography business. The model is quite simple: There are several different competition dates per year. Competitors can purchase professional photos of themselves at a competition. Each competitor will have a ‘badge number’ to…
Using Mediatr with Azure Functions
I’ve used Mediatr for some time, to reduce controller action bloat, and have spoken about it a few times, on how I use it to avoid the classic ‘xService’ pattern: Controller Action -> ‘Service’ -> Repo Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of work with Azure Functions, and would like to be able to use…
Reliably Processing Azure Service Bus Topics with Azure Functions
At ASOS, we’re currently migrating some of our message and event processing applications from Worker Roles (within classic Azure Cloud Services) to Azure Functions. A significant benefit of using Azure Functions to process our messages is the billing model. As an example, with our current approach, we use a Worker Role to listen to subscriptions…
Hide Sensitive Data with Application Insights JavaScript SDK using a Telemetry Initializer
Application Insights is incredibly powerful, especially when using the JavaScript Client SDK. The problem is, sometimes we can be logging a little too much. We can use a Telemetry Initalizer to hide sensitive data in dependencies / requests logged with Application Insights.
Azure function not receiving json messages using Topic Service Bus Trigger
While developing an Azure Function application, using this tutorial, I encountered a problem. Ultimately, using `func new` generated my function (the run.csx file) which looked like this: public static void Run(string mySbMsg, TraceWriter log) { log.Info($”C# ServiceBus topic trigger function processed message: {mySbMsg}”); } Side note: the `mySbMsg` is important – it’s defined in the…
Windows Azure Pricing Announced
Microsoft has finally released their pricing model for the forthcoming Windows Azure Windows Azure: Compute = $0.12 / hour Storage = $0.15 / GB stored / month Storage Transactions = $0.01 / 10K Bandwidth = $0.10 in / $0.15 out / GB SQL Azure: Web Edition – Up to 1 GB relational database = $9.99…
Windows Azure – Firefox & “Port Restricted for Security Reasons”
I’ve been starting to delve into the world of Windows Azure this week. After getting the Azure Samples loaded, I tried running one of them (just by hitting F5 in VS) and, as Firefox is my default browser, got a “Port Restricted For Security Reasons” error. Of course, it worked fine in IE Here is…