View XML in Google Chrome

Sometimes, I need to be able to view an XML document in a browser.

While IE supports this natively, you’ll need an extension for that in Chrome.

The one I use is XML Tree by Alan Stroop.

After installing it, it simply “just works”
Viewing any server side XML page displays nice and hierarchically, similar to IE / Firefox

However, to enable opening of a local XML file, you will need to explicitly allow this in the extension settings.

chromeExtensionSettingsMenuOptionTo do this, open the extensions settings page, either by typing chrome://extensions/ into the browser, or by clicking the spanner in the top right corner > Tools > Extensions

(see image to the right for clarification)


In the extension settings, locate XML Tree, and click the “Allow access to file URLs” check box:


Now the extension will also work with local XML files

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