Fake Lottery – Game Corner International

I received another fake lottery thing today, this time from Deborah Shiemke – dispatch@mailonetoday.co.cc

Here’s the body of the email

We congratulate you this day as you have emerged a winner in the Game Corner International Lottery Organization. See attachment for claims procedure. Thank you

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Deborah Shiemke

Announcer-Game Corner International,

United Kingdom.

This message and its attachments are for designated recipient(s) only and may contain privileged, proprietary and private information. If you have received it in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately.

This was attached in a word document:

The Game Corner International 
17, Bugsby Way 
Canary Wharf, London, E15 4OM

United Kingdom 
Registered No: GCIL/UK/04281185 
Serial No: GCIL/MYP/UK/09-1250/09 
Draw No: 09945/SALD

Dear Winner,


Over the years, the prestigious Game Corner International Lottery Organization has set out and successfully organized Sweepstakes on a regular basis. (Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annually)

We have equally maintained a high standard and unrivaled in the industry as it concerns the pay out of winnings to successful participants with the help of our London Pay Banks/courier services.

In line with the commemorating event marking our 25th year anniversary, we rolled out over £25,000,000.00 (Twenty Five Million United Kingdom Pounds) for this anniversary/mid-year draw. Participants for the draws were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which enjoy our patronage .The selection was made through a computer drawn system attaching personalized email addresses to ticket numbers.

As luck and destiny would have it, your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to ticket number 4019241059 with Serial No: GCIL/MYP/UK/09-1250/09 and drew these lucky numbers 04-09-12-21-23-45 (25) which subsequently won you £350,000.00 GBP (Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand United Kingdom Pounds) as one of the 25 jackpot winners in this draw. You are therefore entitled to a total payout of £350,000.00 GBP (Three Hundred and fifty Thousand United Kingdom Pounds) in Category A. The draws were conducted in East London, United Kingdom on July 26, 2009.

These lottery Draws are commemorative and as such special. Please be informed by this winning notification to make contact with our claims department with the details below who shall by duty guide you through the process to facilitate the release of your winnings accordingly.

To file for your claims; contact;

Mr. Feraren Dawson

(The Game Corner International –Claims Department)

Tel: +44-701-078-6477

Fax: +44- 8445855766

Email: ferarendawson-gcli@live.com


(1) FULL NAME                                                                    (8) WINNING EMAIL ID                                                                            

(2) FULL ADDRESS                                                             (9) DATE OF WINNING AWARD

(3) NATIONALITY                                                               (10) TOTAL AMOUNT WON

(4) SEX                                                                                   (11) MARITAL STATUS

(5) AGE                                                                                  (12) REGISTERED NUMBERS

(6) OCCUPATION                                                                (13) SERIAL NUMBERS

(7) MOBILE/TELEPHONE NUMBER                                 (14) DRAW NUMBERS                      

I wish to on behalf of all members and staffs of The Game Corner International Lottery Organization to congratulate you on your win and wish you the best as you spend your good fortune.


Dr. Deborah a Shiemke

The Game Corner International Lottery Organization

United Kingdom

This message and its attachments are for designated recipient(s) only and may contain privileged, proprietary and private information. If you have received it in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately.

7 responses to “Fake Lottery – Game Corner International”

  1. Andy avatar

    I too got this email today. It would be interesting to know how many people reply!

  2. Bruce avatar

    I got it today.

  3. adam cole avatar
    adam cole

    i got my winnings last week , so how come you say its a fake, i think you should read both sides of a story before you write

  4. hannah avatar

    Hey! i just received this one this morning too – hat a shame they’re always a scam eh/!!!

  5. Calvin avatar

    I got the same email from Dr. Deborah a Shiemke this morning. Is there anything to stop this kind of crime?

  6. Col avatar

    Got this today… FAKE FAKE FAKE


  7. Dennis Proksa avatar
    Dennis Proksa

    Received this e-mail aug 13th

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