Dell E6400 Screen Flicker – Caused by display cable?

Last week, I started having trouble with my Dell E6400 Notebook.

There is an intermittent “flashing” on the screen – kind of a “solarising” of the colours, and flickering – it also displayed as “split screen” – split horizontally, displaying the same image top and bottom, but at very low resolution.

See flickering / solarising:

Sometimes, the screen would turn off, flash black, and then display “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered” – see image below:Display driver stopped responding and has recovered

I can reproduce the problem by holding the laptop by the left hand side, towards the top of the base, and sort of pressing the base cover.

Location of display cable on Dell E6400 Removing the base cover, I traced the problem to be with or around the LED cable (highlighted red in the image to the left)

If i pressed the cable or where it was connecting to the main board, the flickering problem could be reproduced.

I removed the cable, cleaned it, removed all dust from around it and replaced.

This problem is not totally fixed – but it happens far less now than it did before.

I suspect very strongly, I will require a new cable.

I generally (through bad habit) tend to pick the laptop up on that side of the base – so I think the cable may of worn out.

Fingers crossed a new cable is all that is required, not a whole new motherboard!

For reference, the cable I have is pictured below:

Dell E6400 Display Cable - Part Number: DC202000HZ0L

Part Number: DC202000HZ0L

4 responses to “Dell E6400 Screen Flicker – Caused by display cable?”

  1. Joel Rivera avatar
    Joel Rivera

    I have the same problem, but only one line flickering in the bottom
    off the screen, I’ll try your solution and recommend if a found something new…, Thank you.

    1. Alex avatar

      It could also be the graphics card –
      Do you have the nVidia graphics card option installed?
      If it is that, it’s hard-wired to the mainboard, and the whole thing needs to be replaced!

      That’s what I ended up doing to mine 🙁

  2. al avatar

    I have the same problem occurred recently 🙁 I already tried the cable remove replace. The strange thing is my screen flickers with many coloured lines BUT after the laptop is on for a while the flickering goes away. (so when warm/hot the connections are OK. I think its something to do with the solder balls on the GPU chip. The NVIDIA gpu chip has this problem on nearly all brands of laptop. However my e6400 has intel graphics chip so Im thinking its the solder balls… bad quality of solder prone to cracking.
    I also lift up laptop via left side.. I was under the impression that because of the magnesium-alloy cage/chassis type design it would be less prone to flexing..however I guess the cage/chassis needs to be re-designed by DELL. Those guys at DELL make sooo many school boy errors in design its unbelievable.

  3. mad avatar

    HI has anyone got high resolution photos of the DELL E6400 motherboard? both sides. I recently took of base cover to see if RAM seated properly ( I have trackpad mouse issues 🙁 ).
    However after looking at the laptop I noticed very small surface mount components ( not sure exactly what the function of the components that have fallen off ) they have come completely detached from the mainboard & I have no idea where these were soldered 🙁

    These DELL’s are just way too much hassle and prone to failure 🙁

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