I needed to write a function to get a set of co-ordinates from an address, supplied as a string.
First, I created a struct, to represent the lat and lon co-ordinates:
public struct Coordinate { private double _latitude; private double _longitude; public Coordinate(double latitude, double longitude) { _latitude = latitude; _longitude = longitude; } public double Latitude { get { return _latitude; } set { _latitude = value; } } public double Longitude { get { return _longitude; } set { _longitude = value; } } }
This is a simple representation of a set of latitude and longitude co-ordinates.
The main method, which returns the above Coordinate struct is:
public static Coordinate GetCoordinates(string address) { using (var client = new WebClient()) { Uri uri = YOUR_URI_HERE; /* The first number is the status code, * the second is the accuracy, * the third is the latitude, * the fourth one is the longitude. */ string[] geocodeInfo = client.DownloadString(uri) .Split(','); return new Coordinate( Convert.ToDouble(geocodeInfo[2]), Convert.ToDouble(geocodeInfo[3])); } }
On line 5, you need to specify your Google API URL, in the format of:
http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=ADDRESS GOES HERE&output=csv&key=YOUR KEY HERE
And that’s it!
Obviously, there are usage restrictions when using the Google API for this, as outlined on the documentation pages
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