Facebook notification spam – someone ”likes” your photo

Recently, a lot of people have  been “liking” my photos.

Unfortunately, the notifications are sent out by various versions of a new form of Facebook spam application.


Clicking on “your photo” – in a hope to see which photo this person liked, takes you to a page where you’re asked to allow an application access to various parts  of your profile:

“Allowing Lika access will let it access your Profile information, photos, your friends’ info and other content that it requires to work”

This is the important part of this application – clicking on “allow” will enable the app to get access to all the information on your profile.
It then sends out notifications to ALL your friends, that you “liked” one of their photos.

Presumably, it is also sending all your information to the developer. This could be anything from your profile – work information, contact info, address, photos – anything.

One way to check if a notification you have received is genuine is to hover over “your photo”

Hover over "your photo" and check the link location

Unless the link is something similar to: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=12345 then it’s a fake.

The names are usually something like “Like” or “Lika” or something along those lines, to fool you into thinking they are genuine, Facebook features.

6 responses to “Facebook notification spam – someone ”likes” your photo”

  1. Thomas avatar

    Thanks for that!

    Thomas (France)

  2. Siobhan avatar

    Thanks Alex, I’ve been wondering about this for a little while. Especially pleased to find the answer to my query was only posted a few short hours before I decided to try and find out more!!

  3. Lozzy avatar

    Thanks!! Just saved me from clicking “allow”!

  4. Rob avatar

    Hi. This is very useful. Unfortunately I clicked on the allow permission link. I cannot find this application in my app list on my FB settings to disable it. Is there anything I can do?

    1. Alex avatar

      It should be there.
      If it isn’t, Facebook may have caught up with it and removed it, so there is nothing to worry about 🙂

  5. Ally avatar

    Thanks, I found this when I was about to click “allow”. Another recent application called Photo Comments did the same thing, very annoying.

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