I had a quick Google search for a comparison between string.concat and string.join, but I couldn’t find anything.
Say you want to construct the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”
This is comprised of 9 words, 8 spaces.
Using string.concat:
public void CreateSentanceUsingStringConcat() { string space = " "; string the = "the"; string quick = "quick"; string brown = "brown"; string fox = "fox"; string jumps = "jumps"; string over = "over"; string lazy = "lazy"; string dog = "dog"; var result = string.Concat(the, space, quick, space, brown, space, fox, space, jumps, space, over, space, the, space, lazy, space, dog); }
Using string.join
public void CreateSentanceUsingStringJoin() { var result = string.Join(space, the, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog); }
With String.concat, we must explicitly add the separator (in our case, space) between each string.
String.join however, allows us to specify the separator as the first parameter.
I wrote a small benchmark test on the two (see bottom of this post for code)
We can see string.join consistently performs better
Benchmark Code:
Note – This is available on GitHub – http://github.com/alexjamesbrown/StringConcatVsStringJoin
class Program { //string.concat or string.join a million times to get a better reading const int numberOfTimesToRun = 1000000; const string space = " "; const string the = "the"; const string quick = "quick"; const string brown = "brown"; const string fox = "fox"; const string jumps = "jumps"; const string over = "over"; const string lazy = "lazy"; const string dog = "dog"; static void Main() { for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Pass #" + i); Go(); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.Read(); } private static void Go() { var concatStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfTimesToRun; i++) string.Concat(the, space, quick, space, brown, space, fox, space, jumps, space, over, space, the, space, lazy, space, dog); concatStopWatch.Stop(); var joinStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfTimesToRun; i++) string.Join(space, the, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog); joinStopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("string.join - {0}", joinStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine("string.concat- {0}", concatStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } }
Update – StringBuilder.Append
In the comments, Dejan Stojanović put together a similar test using StringBuilder.Append – with similar, and sometimes slightly better results!
See this commit for the update
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