C# – String.Concat vs String.Join

I had a quick Google search for a comparison between string.concat and string.join, but I couldn’t find anything.

Say you want to construct the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”

This is comprised of 9 words, 8 spaces.

Using string.concat:

public void CreateSentanceUsingStringConcat()
    string space = " ";
    string the = "the";
    string quick = "quick";
    string brown = "brown";
    string fox = "fox";
    string jumps = "jumps";
    string over = "over";
    string lazy = "lazy";
    string dog = "dog";

    var result = string.Concat(the, space, quick, space, brown, space, fox, space, jumps, space, over, space, the, space, lazy, space, dog);

Using string.join

public void CreateSentanceUsingStringJoin()
    var result = string.Join(space, the, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog);

With String.concat, we must explicitly add the separator (in our case, space) between each string.

String.join however, allows us to specify the separator as the first parameter.


I wrote a small benchmark test on the two (see bottom of this post for code)

We can see string.join consistently performs better

string concat vs string join

Benchmark Code:

Note – This is available on GitHub – http://github.com/alexjamesbrown/StringConcatVsStringJoin

class Program
    //string.concat or string.join a million times to get a better reading
    const int numberOfTimesToRun = 1000000;

    const string space = " ";
    const string the = "the";
    const string quick = "quick";
    const string brown = "brown";
    const string fox = "fox";
    const string jumps = "jumps";
    const string over = "over";
    const string lazy = "lazy";
    const string dog = "dog";

    static void Main()
        for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Pass #" + i);


    private static void Go()
        var concatStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        for (var i = 0; i < numberOfTimesToRun; i++)
            string.Concat(the, space, quick, space, brown, space, fox, space, jumps, space, over, space, the, space, lazy, space, dog);


        var joinStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (var i = 0; i < numberOfTimesToRun; i++)
            string.Join(space, the, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog);


        Console.WriteLine("string.join - {0}", joinStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        Console.WriteLine("string.concat- {0}", concatStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);


Update – StringBuilder.Append

In the comments, Dejan Stojanović put together a similar test using StringBuilder.Append – with similar, and sometimes slightly better results!

With stringbuilder.append

See this commit for the update

14 responses to “C# – String.Concat vs String.Join”

  1. Andrew O Dennison avatar
    Andrew O Dennison

    You have switched your captions/timers in your Console.WriteLine. s1 is the concat timer, s2 is the join timer. If you use names like joinTimer and concatTimer this would be obvious

    1. Alex Brown avatar

      Sorry, I totally missed this comment (for 2 years it seems)
      Switching to Disqus and Tim’s comment below has alerted me to it!

      I’ll fix this!

  2. Tim Schmelter avatar
    Tim Schmelter

    Andrew’s comment is two years old but the code is still incorrect. So actually string.Join is faster.

    1. Alex Brown avatar

      You’re right… I’ve replied above, will fix!

  3. Alex Brown avatar

    Thanks to those who pointed out the issues. I’ve fixed the code and made it available on GitHub!

  4. […] In C# können Strings mit Hilfe der Funktionen string.concat and string.join zusammengefügt werden. Siehe dazu den Blog von Alex James Brown. […]

  5. omar salem avatar
    omar salem

    thank you for the experiment

  6. Adam Stępień avatar

    Quite interesting. I’ve never thought that using of join method would be so efficient, so thanks for sharing your experience. 🙂

  7. Dejan Stojanović avatar

    I just saw this test and wanted to add one more methods and that is StringBuilder. I was amazed that StringBuilder.Append worked even faster than String.Join.

    As far as I could see in most of the articles on internet, StringBuilder is described as the slowest one, but in this test it had the best score.

    The following is test code and attached are results screenshot

    var stringbuilderStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

    for (var i = 0; i < numberOfTimesToRun; i++)

    new StringBuilder().Append(space).Append(the).Append(quick).Append(brown).Append(fox).Append(jumps).Append(over).Append(the).Append(lazy).Append(dog);


    1. Alex avatar

      Could you fork the repository – https://github.com/alexjamesbrown/StringConcatVsStringJoin and add it as a pull request? I would be interested to see this…

      1. Dejan Stojanović avatar

        Pull request created. Let me know when you take a look at it. I’m really curious to determine which approach for building string is the fastest one 🙂

        1. Alex avatar

          Sorry for taking so long to get back to you!
          Pull request merged, and article updated – very impressive results.

    2. caleb_lyle avatar

      I think this isn’t an accurate test. StringBuilder’s Append method works like string.Concat and not string.Join so you have to append the space between each word. Also, just doing the appends will not return a string, but a StringBuilder object. You have to call ToString after to get the string.

      Here is an example:

      new StringBuilder().Append(the).Append(space).Append(quick).Append(space).Append(brown).Append(space).Append(fox).Append(space).Append(jumps).Append(space).Append(over).Append(space).Append(the).Append(space).Append(lazy).Append(space).Append(dog).ToString();

      When I add these changes, it looks like string.join is faster.
      Sorry for replying to an old post


  8. Tanner Watson avatar
    Tanner Watson

    FYI – string.Join is backed by StringBuilder.

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