Base checksum mismatch – A solution for TortoiseSVN users.

I recently had the misfortune to get a Base Checksum Mismatch error, when I tried to check in files to my repository.
The problem occurs when the files svn data has become corrupted.
There are many solutions to this problem, but here’s how I solved it simply (I only had 2 files that had this error)

  1. Check in everything except the files that are causing the issue.
  2. Take a fresh checkout to a separate directory
    (right click in a directory -> SVN Checkout)
    Screen should look like the image below:


  3. After TortoiseSVN has checked out everything to the new directory, simply copy across your files that were giving you trouble
  4. Check back in.

That’s how I fixed it.
Hope this helps!

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