Dell Latitude E5500 – Windows was unable to connect to <network name>

Having taken delivery of a new E5500, we configured the machine (not that it took much effort, as it came with none of the usual “crap” that is pre-installed") and attempted to connect it to our WiFi in the office.

Every time it returned “Windows was unable to connect to CrocusWiFi”

Our network is nothing out of the ordinary – We use a plain old Belkin F5D7632 router, with WPA2-Personal security, TKIP. Nothing fancy, and plenty of other devices use this without a problem.

A phone call to Dell technical department predictably concluded that it must be our WiFi networks’ fault (not their laptop, of course) despite several devices (including other Dell machines) being successfully connected, without a hitch.

They agreed to replace the unit.

When the replacement unit turned up, the exact same error occurred.
I haven’t had time to dig around trying to find out what the problem is, however I suspect it’s a software issue.

If anyone can shed any light on this, please feel free to comment!

One response to “Dell Latitude E5500 – Windows was unable to connect to <network name>”

  1. irishcreamfan avatar

    I have had many devices connect to my WiFi without issue. I had a handful of Dell computers that displayed the same issue outlined on this article. I tried an old trick that Nintendo suggested I try when my Wii had a similar issue. Specify your routers Wifi channel instead of using automatic. I chose 11. As soon as I specified a channel the Dell computer prompted me for the WEP password and I connected without issue.

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